Watched DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES last night, in effort to gear up for the WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (July 14, 2017). 

I have seen DAWN several times, but not for a long time. But wow!
What an amazing film––so well written, acted, and executed with
unparalleled CG animation. And what a powerful and bleak message––so
relevant today in this vicious, absurd world. All it takes is a few bad
apples to drive a wedge between everyone––the media and the
obstructionist and the lying sellers of impossible Utopias (the true haters). And just like CAESAR says in the final lines of the film...
"War has... already begun. Ape started war. And human... Human
will not forgive. You must go... before fighting begins. I am sorry...
my friend."
"I thought we had a chance."
"I did too."
So simple, but it doesn't get much darker than that.
Very glad writer/director MATT REEVES is helming the new one as he did DAWN. A truly gifted storyteller through cinema.
Check out DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES on Blu-ray before WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (July 14, 2017) :
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