Woohoo! The parents and I saw the
TCM 60th Anniversary Screening of VERTIGO today!

VERTIGO has been on the top of my list of favorite HITCHCOCK films for a long time. It was great fun to watch it on the big screen at the NorthPark AMC Theater. The film is still haunting and beautiful, with excellent moments of actor intensity and superior dialogue. JIMMY STEWART was excellent as the acrophobic and tragic ex-detective obsessed by KIM NOVAK (as Madeleine), who is so sexy hot in her gray perfectly-tailored dress-suit and ashy-blonde hair, it's almost mind boggling. I still said WOW!

Look for a VERTIGO showing on the big screen near you:
Enjoy this video of Vertigo 60th Anniversary (1958)
Enjoy this video of Vertigo 60th Anniversary (1958)
Verified Vertigo Facts:
And yum! KIM NOVAK as Madeleine in VERTIGO.

And yum! KIM NOVAK as Madeleine in VERTIGO.

I understand how JIMMY STEWART'S character, John Ferguson, felt.

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