NEIL PEART was a massive influence on me in both drumming and writing––one of the reasons I began creating original music and poetry and lyrics in high school. My first personal drum set was a Tama "Neil Peart" copy, with concert toms and 24" double bass drums––all because that's what Neil Peart used in my favorite band RUSH. I was a hardcore fan from the first album I heard, which was HEMISPHERES, and I was lucky enough to see the band in concert on their PERMANENT WAVES tour (twice that year! At Tarrant County Convention Center and Dallas County Convention Center). After that I saw them many times––13 times total, I believe, and I still have all the ticket stubs.

As the years passed into decades I eventually only listened to RUSH now and then, but that was only because I had listened to them so much for so many years that RUSH and NEIL PEART had become a part of me. And they are still a part of me––who I am and whoever I will ultimately become. R.I.P. NEIL PEART, you will be missed. But you will always live on in my poet's heart and in my drummer's soul.
ENJOY SOME OF NEIL at his best:
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