First up...
According to
"Shield 5 is a captivating new thriller that follows a wrongfully accused man on the run, desperate to clear his name. It has a lot in common with shows like Homeland and 24, except for one tiny thing: Each episode is only 15 seconds long.
"Shield 5 is a new dramatic and cinematic series being released on Instagram in installments, just one recent example of what is being labeled as "social cinema." It is the brainchild of British director Anthony Wilcox, who was looking for a quick project to work on while he finished developing a bigger feature. "I’ve done a few short things online as a director-for-hire, and the fast turnaround of those things excited me. I was looking for a way to do that, but telling my own story," Wilcox told Fast Company.
"Wilcox began to look around for a platform that would work for his needs and meet his very, very low budget. "Instagram just seemed to tick a few boxes," said Wilcox. 'There’s a potential for a massive, global audience, and there was something fun about the 15-second restriction that weirdly appealed to me for some reason.'
"He wasn’t sure if the idea would work; 15 seconds doesn't give you time to show or say much. "The idea stuck with me, though, and I couldn’t quite shake it," said Wilcox. He started to study film trailers and commercials and slowly realized how much drama you could pack into a limited time frame. He slowly came up with a basic framework of a big, cinematic story to be told on Instagram’s tiny screen."
Read the rest of the article here:
Second up...hit the theater and strap on a Biometric Reader
so the studios will know if you really do like their new film or not...
According to
"Lightwave measured how audience members reacted to the emotional intensity of Golden Globe Best Picture Winner, The Revenant, using real-time biometric data.
Read the rest of the article here:
And third up...
How about a virtual trip to the Guggenheim?
Is this a great thing, or is it just another way to keep us at our computers,
instead of getting out of the house for a little art, exercise, and real social interactivity?
Well, who really has time to go to a museum anyway.
Now you can have your museum and eat it too.
According to
"The idea behind the Google Cultural Institute
is to digitize the art experience—to make it virtual, as it were. The
platform allows users to virtually navigate and investigate art events,
museums, figures, and world heritage sites. For its latest entry, Google
Cultural Institute teamed up with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
to allow users to virtually experience the Guggenheim Museum’s iconic spiral ramps via Street View technology.
"Users can also explore 120 artworks in the Guggenheim’s Storylines: Contemporary Art at the Guggenheim, including Maurizio Cattelan’s Daddy, Daddy (2008), a sculpture of Walt Disney’s Pinocchio that floats facedown in the fountain, and Juliana Huxtable’s Untitled in the Rage (Nibiru Cataclysm)
(2015), which the Guggenheim describes as a “self-portrait in which the
artist interrogates gender norms and portrayals of femininity—to learn
more about the objects and artists.”
Read the rest of the article here:
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